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Digital Research Microscope


RXLr-4NX Pol Professional Research polarizing microscope for geology, petroleum, chemicals, polymer, LED field. Produces high quality and contrast image with special strain free objectivises. Designed for single polarization, orthogonal polarization and conoscopic observations with constant focus mechanism trinocular head Brightness adjustable transmitted light and reflected light. Stage with 45°click, attachable mechanical stage with large moving range, high efficiency without any interferencewhile turning objectives.

Part Name Part Code Description
Body RXR4NXPMB Rugged, aluminium single die cast, ergonomic design, touch point treated, anti-microbial treated, acid resistant texture painted, rubber feet, built in handle in front and under cut (for ease in carrying microscope), cord wrapping at back, Kohler illumination with aperture and field diaphragm, heat protection filter, transmitted & reflected light illumination system with intensity controller, on/off switch, auto off (time adjustable upto 2 hrs.), constant colour intensity while changing the light intensity or objective, fly eye lens (for uniform illumination to entire FOV), blue filter (45mm) for white light (4500K), pseudo-plechorism, depolarize, Ag protected, nano silver coated to protect from bacterial growth in the external areas and decrease chance to get infected, under cut for easy grip, antimicrobial treated, cord wrap, vertical handle, storage facility for compensators & centering tools.
Optical system RXR4NXPIOS Universal infinite corrected optical system, strain free pol colour corrected, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-reflection coated (multilayered hard coated),antimicrobial treated colour coded objectives, parfocal distance (60mm) constant focus mechanism, suitable for reflected and transmitted light observation and BF, DF, POL, DIC & Phase contrast technique.
Transmitted Illumination RXR4NXPL3WL3 Kohler illumination uniform colour LED 3W, life 30000 hrs., lumens equivalent 50W Halogen, Kohler illumination with aperture and field diaphragm.
Viewing Head RXR4NXPB30 Binocular inclined at 30°, siedentopf head, rotatable through 360°, IPD - from 48-76, with constant focus, diopter adjustment on one/both eyepiece, eyepiece locking mechanism, Orientation key in one eye tube (right) for crosshair reticule eyepiece & micrometer.
Analyzer/Polarizer RXR4NXPPOLANA Polarizer, 360° rotatable polarizer mounted below the condenser with 0°, 45°, 90°, marking. Built in analyzer with scale removable from optical path, 360°, rotatable, Analyzer for TL, RL. Polarizer slider for reflected illumination in transmitted light and easy setup for cross polarization.
Nosepiece RXR4NXP4N Inward tilted, interchangeable precise quadruple (4 position) revolving on multiple ball bearing, centerable, click stop mechanism for smooth and accurate alignment, having ribbed grip for easy rotation and quick change in magnification.
Eyepiece RXR4NXP1020 Paired, WF 10X, FOV-20mm, multilayered coated, high quality, antiglare, focusable, good contrast, aberration free, aplanatic, precentered, lockable, diopter adjustment and crosshair reticule in one eyepiece, rubber grip, cover, one with eyeguard or other without eyegaurd and key/pin for orientation.
Mechanical Stage RXR4NXPMS Large Circular, hard coated Ceramic and anodized, rotary metal stage, dia.178mm, calibration circular rotating stage (for ease in placement of specimen and calibrations), laser engraved, graduated 360° rotatable, 1° increment, stage lock, adjustable brake, minimum resolution 6 min, with click stop at 45° increments, sample height upto 50mm, provision for fixing stage clips; attachable mechanical XY travel range 35x25mm, object guide with vernier on 02 sides to 0.1mm, centrable (for exact centration of each objective to the stage rotation axis), graduations and adjustable brake, object guide, suitable for different slide formats.
Objectives RXR4NXP05i PL5X, N.A. 0.10, W.D. 20.5mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
RXR4NXP10i PL10X, N.A 0.25, W.D 7.0mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
RXR4NXP20i PL20X, N.A 0.40, W.D 3.9mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
  RXR4NXP40i PL40X, N.A 0.65, W.D 0.65mm, plan pol achromatic, infinite, spring loaded, unbreakable container for storage
  RXR4NXP50i PL50X, N.A.0.75, W.D.0.37mm, plan pol achromatic, spring loaded, unbreakable container for storage
  RXR4NXP100i PL100X, N.A 1.25, W.D 0.23mm, plan pol achromatic, oil, spring loaded, unbreakable container for storage
Focusing RXR4NXPF10 Coaxial, 2 gear, coarse and fine intermediate focus adjustment knobs (low positioned, both sides) with rack & pinion arrangement, height adjustable with tension control, upper limit stopper, full stroke range 35mm, coarse: 9.33mm per rotation, highly sensitive focus drive with 0.10mm per revolution, fine adjustment 1.0μm/Div. 3 step tension, coarse & fine graduate, sample height upto 35mm
Intermidiate Tube RNX4NXP-ITUBEB Removable Bertrand lens, slot for analyzer with labeled flip in/flip out controls & compensators, switchable orthoscopic/conoscopic, built-in focusable & centerable Bertrand lens, removeable from optical path, separate housing.
Condenser RABC Centerable & focusable, strain-free, POL abbe condenser N.A. 0.85, with variable and adjustable aperture diaphragm with magnification labelling, iris diaphragm, filter slot, separate movement from focusing (rack & pinion) suitable for brightfield and polarizing with add on lens.
Power Supply RPSUSB Built-in USB integerated universal power supply
Accessories RCC Cleaning cloth
  EYC Pair eyecups rubber/plastic
  RVC Vinyl cover
  RCLP C-clamp for tension adjustment
  RIO Immersion oil (10ml)
  RAK Allen keys & centering tools
  RF5A Fuses - 2 no's
  ROCT Object Centering Tools, Object Clamps
  RBF Blue Filter (frosted & Plain)
  RPC Power Cord (country specific)
  MANUAL Instruction manual
  WARRANTY Warranty card
Part Name Part Code Description
Body RXR4PMB Rugged, single die cast, ergonomic design, touch point treated, acid resistant texture painted, intensity controller, on/off switch, rubber feet, field diaphragm, Kohler illumination with aperture and field diaphragm, heat protection filter, slot for different compensator, blue filter (45°) for white light (4500K), built in handle.
Compensator/Retarding Plates RXR4NXP-CP Compensator Gypsum 1 λ (1st order red compensating plate, 530/546/560 nanometers) Mica 1/4 λ 145 nanometers) and quartz wedge, Tint plate compensator
Nosepiece RXR4NXP5N Inward tilted, interchangeable precise quintuple (5 position) revolving on multiple ball bearing, centerable, click stop mechanism for smooth and accurate alignment, having ribbed grip for easy rotation, slot for DIC/ANA/POL and quick change in magnification.
Eyepiece RXR4NXP1020i Paired, WF 10X, FOV-20mm, multilayered coated, high quality, antiglare, focusable, good contrast, aberration free, aplanatic, precentered, lockable, diopter adjustment on both eyepiece and rubber grip, cover, with eyeguard/eyecups.crosshair reticule and key/pin for orientation in one eyepiece
RXR4NXP1022 Paired, WF 10X, FOV-22mm, multilayered coated, high quality, antiglare, focusable, good contrast, aberration free, aplanatic, precentered, lockable, diopter adjustment on both and crosshair reticule in one eyepiece, Micrometer, rubber grip, cover, and key/pin for orientation.
Focusing RXR4PF25 2 step, Coaxial, coarse and fine focus adjustment knobs (low positioned, both side) with rack & pinion arrangement, with tension control, upper limit stopper, full stroke range 30mm, highly sensitive focus drive with 0.25mm per revolution, fine adjustment 2.5µm/Div.
RXR4NXPF30 Coaxial, coarse and fine focus adjustment knobs (low positioned, both sides) with rack & pinion arrangement, with tension control, upper limit stopper, full stroke range 30mm, highly sensitive focus drive with 300 micron per fine focus rotation calibrated in 3-micron increments (Weighted focus knobs).
Condenser RXR4SWC Centerable, swingout abbe condenser N.A. 0.9, iris diaphragm, filter slot, separate movement from focusing (rack & pinion) suitable for brightfield and polarizing.
Transmitted Illumination RXR4NX-L3WTL-L3 Uniform colour Built-in LED 3W, Koehler illumination, life 30000 hrs., lumens equivalent 20W/30W halogen, inbuilt light intensity controller.
RXR4NX-L3WTL-L3i Uniform colour cool white LED 3W, Koehler illumination life 25000 hrs., lumens equivalent 20W halogen, constant colour temperature, light intensity controller, with built-in and adjustable aperture and field diaphragm, Eco energy saving auto cut off after 2 hrs. of usage (can be disable or enabled).
Incident/Reflected illumination RXR4NX-L3WRL-L3 Attachment with built-in LED 3W, life 30000 hrs., lumens equivalent 20W/30W halogen with adjustable aperture diaphragm, inbuilt light intensity controller, slot for analyser & Polarizer.
RXR4NX-IL4100 4 filter holder, iris diaphragm and aperture diaphragm, central adjustable, having reflector modules* for BF, DF, POL etc, with filter slot & polarizing slot with inbuilt filters Oblique illumination, optical light path selector, reflector for reflected light is removable from light path, per-centered lamp house.
Viewing Head RXR4NXPB30i Binocular inclined at 30°, siedentopf head, rotatable through 360°, IPD - from 48-75, with constant focus, diopter adjustment on one eyepiece, eyepiece locking mechanism, Orientation key in one eye tube (right) for crosshair reticule eyepiece.
RXR4NXPT30 Trinocular (Binocular Tube with Port for Camera attachment) inclined at 30°, siedentopf head, rotatable through 360°, IPD - from 48-76, with constant focus, diopter adjustment on one eyepiece, eyepiece locking mechanism, Orientation key in one eye tube (right) for crosshair reticule eyepiece.
RXR4NXTST30 Trinocular (Pol) inclined at 30°, siedentopf head, rotatable through 360°, IPD-from 52-75mm, dioptre adjustment on one or both eyepiece, slot for alignment eyepiece locking mechanism, Orientation key in one eye tube (right 45°/90°) for crosshair reticule eyepiece, port for camera attachment, splitting ratio 50(EP):50(camera).
Mechanical Stage RXR4NXP-MS1 Large circular rotary stage(lockable), dia. 150mm graduated 360° rotatable, 1° increment, precise vernier scale of 0.1° with click stop at 45° increments. Horizontal rotation with lock-in facility, Provision for fixing 2 stage clips; attachable mechanical XY travel 30x40mm, object guide with vernier 0.1mm, centrable, compatible to heating stage, with sample holder, adjustable safety lock.guide, suitable for different slide formats.
Objectives RXR4NXP2.5i PL2.5X, N.A. 0.06, W.D. 11.2mm, plan Pol achromatic, infinite, unbreakable container for storage
RXR4NXP2.5ib PL2.5X, N.A. 0.07, W.D. 11.2mm, plan Pol achromatic, infinite
RXR4NXP04i PL4X, N.A. 0.12, W.D. 20.5mm, plan pol achromatic, infinite, unbreakable container for storage
RXR4NXP04ia PL4X, N.A. 0.10, W.D. 30mm, plan pol achromatic, infinite
RXR4NXP04ie PL4X, N.A. 0.10, W.D. 26.2mm, plan pol achromatic, infinite, unbreakable container for storage
RXR4NXP10i PL10X, N.A 0.25, W.D 7.0mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
RXR4NXP10ie PL10X, N.A 0.22, W.D 7.8mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
  RXR4NXP20i PL20X, N.A 0.40, W.D 3.9mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
  RXR4NXP20ie PL20X, N.A 0.40, W.D 1.15mm, plan pol achromatic, unbreakable container for storage
  RXR4NXP63i PL63X, N.A 0.75, W.D 0.28mm, plan pol achromatic, spring loaded
Analyzer/Polarizer RXR4NXANAPOL Polarizer for transmitted illumination mounted having L.C. 0.1°, 360° rotatable below the condenser scaled & lockable. Pol slider for reflected Illumination Analyzer-Polarizer for TL/RL 360° rotatable with L.C. 0.1° modular type, graduated, lockable.
RXR4NXPPOL-TR 180° rotatable polarizer mounted below the condenser with 0°, 45°, 90°, marking built in analyzer with scale removable from optical path, 360°, rotatable with 0.1° L.C. for transmitted illumination for RL/TL., Polarizer slider for reflected ilumination in transmitted light with locking thumb screw with quick swing in and swing-out mount.
Accessories   Analyser lens

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